26.07.2024 - Outing GROIX CRUISE

Several groups of Common Dolphins, hunting Bluefin Tuna, and a few Great Shearwaters!

The outing sightings :

  • 113 Common dolphins
  • 9 Northern Bluefin Tunas
  • 4 Northern fulmars
  • 2 Manx shearwaters
  • 11 Balearic shearwaters
  • 5 Great shearwaters
  • 2 Cory's shearwaters
  • 24 European storm petrels
  • 9 Northern gannets
  • 4 European shags
  • 2 Parasitic jaegers
  • x European herring gull
  • x Great-black backed gull
  • x Lesser black-backed gull
  • 1 Sandwich tern
  • 7 Common terns
  • 1 Common murre
  • 3 Dunlins
  • 1 Storm petrel sp.
  • 6 Yellow-legged gulls

Pictures from our outings :

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19.07.2024 - Outing GROIX CRUISE

Dolphins and shearwaters between Groix and Glénan islands!

The outing sightings :

  • 156 Common dolphins
  • 8 Northern Bluefin Tunas
  • 2 Ocean sunfishes
  • 1 Northern fulmar
  • 2 Manx shearwaters
  • 175 Balearic shearwaters
  • 2 Sooty shearwaters
  • 8 Northern gannets
  • 7 European shags
  • 2 Great cormorants
  • x European herring gull
  • x Great-black backed gull
  • x Lesser black-backed gull
  • 2 Black-headed gulls
  • 4 Sandwich terns
  • 2 Barn swallows
  • 1 Common murre
  • 1 Common swift
  • 2 Eurasian oystercatchers

Pictures from our outings :

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07.07.2024 - Outing MOR BRAZ CRUISE

A real festival of Dolphins and Northern Gannets all day long!

The outing sightings :

  • 20 Bottlenose dolphins
  • 203 Common dolphins
  • 1 Northern fulmar
  • 9 Manx shearwaters
  • 440 Balearic shearwaters
  • 8 Sooty shearwaters
  • 1 Great shearwater
  • 1717 Northern gannets
  • 55 European shags
  • 16 Great cormorants
  • 3 Parasitic jaegers
  • 2 Great skuas
  • x European herring gull
  • x Great-black backed gull
  • x Lesser black-backed gull
  • 3 Mediterranean gulls
  • 7 Sandwich terns
  • 26 Common terns
  • 1 Common murre
  • 5 Eurasian oystercatchers
  • 1 Grey seal
  • 2 Purple sandpipers
  • 5 Ruddy turnstones
  • 1 Yellow-legged gull

Pictures from our outings :

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