Cruise map Leaves from Lorient and Port-Louis, come and meet the dolphins and seabirds

From Lorient or Port-Louis, you go on a cruise to discover marine fauna off the island of Groix. On board the Stereden Glaz, you explore the area rich in biodiversity in the south of the island. In addition to comments on the various observations, Faune Océan offers a conference given by a naturalist on cetaceans and seabirds.

After having passed the island of Groix, you go south, in the direction of the open sea. A day of navigation in search of the emblematic species of the Breton coasts awaits you. Dolphins, seabirds, moonfishes, bluefin tunas and, with a bit of luck, minke whales are some of the species you can see.

A naturalist guide is at your disposal to comment on the various observations and to answer your questions. He will help you to identify different species of cetaceans and birds. During each cruise, Faune Océan also offers a lecture presenting: the different species that we can meet in the Bay of Biscay and in Breton waters, the main features of their biology and their behaviour, the adaptations of the species to their environment and the challenges of protecting the marine environment and its inhabitants.

After each cruise, Faune Océan provides a photographic report. It is available in the online gallery a few days after the cruise. Don't hesitate to consult it and download the photos!

Target species

Common dolphin

© Sylvain Reyt

Common dolphin :

2 to 2.5 m / 70 to 135 kg
Common. It can dive up to 300 m to feed. Its diet is mainly composed of schools of fish. Its lifespan is 25 to 30 years.
➢ To spot it: near the boat (at the bow) or at a distance when it jumps or reveals its dorsal fin. Often in large groups (more than 10).
➢ To identify it: dark grey back descending in the middle of the flank, yellowish patch at the front of the flank and grey-blue patch at the rear, quite long beak, rather receding forehead, light dorsal fin with dark edges.

Ocean sunfish

© Sylvain Reyt

Ocean sunfish :

0.5 - 3 m / 1000 kg on average.
Pelagic. The Sunfish is the largest of the bony fishes. It feeds on jellyfish, plankton, squid, crustaceans, small fish...
➢ To spot it: usually alone and offshore; detectable with its dorsal fin appearing on the surface or its white silhouette floating like a large piece of plastic. In the latter case, it is not uncommon to see gulls directly on its body to rid it of parasites.
➢ To identify it: whitish disc-shaped body, dorsal and anal fins well back and opposite each other.

Balearic shearwater

© Sylvain Reyt

Balearic shearwater :

Wingspan: 78 - 90 cm
Surely one of the stars of Mor Braz, since we can find several hundred (even thousands) of individuals! This shearwater breeds only on the Balearic archipelago. Its population is estimated at about 20,000 individuals. The Morbihan waters play an important role in the migration and dispersal of this species considered to be in critical danger of extinction.
➢ To spot it: with binoculars, often low-flying
➢ To identify it: silhouette and shearwater (long wings kept straight, alternating series of hovers and wing beats); differs from the Manx Shearwater by its more "dirty", faded and low contrasting appearance (brown and dirty white).

The boat

Stereden Glaz

The Stereden Glaz is an 20-metre launch from the Escal'Ouest company.

The front, rear and upper decks allow observation in very good conditions. Inside, a room also allows you to take shelter in there is a shower.

The capacity is 145 people but we limit the gauge to about 80 people to guarantee you the best conditions of comfort and observation throughout this day at sea.

The captain, used to sailing around Groix, is accompanied by two professional sailors.

Bateau Stereden Glaz pour l'observation des dauphins, baleines, requins et oiseaux marins.

Advice and information

Clothing : At sea, the weather can be changeable: plan on warm clothes and a raincoat, closed shoes, a cap, sunglasses and sunscreen.
Meals : Don't forget to take a picnic for lunch!
Observation equipment : If you have them, don't forget your camera and binoculars (useful but not essential, many animals are visible to the naked eye near the boat)!

The outings

To reserve an outing click on the event

Click on the markers :
red marker : piers
red marker : car park

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